
Missions Statement

God has entrusted the church with His gospel message. It is our responsibility to go in the power of the Holy Spirit and give a clear presentation of the Gospel to all people, bringing them to a place of making a decision about Christ.

Missions Goals

It is our goal to simultaneously share the gospel message both locally and globally. (Acts 1:8) We are able to accomplish through regularly organized evangelistic outreaches along with personal evangelism while supporting missionaries financially and prayerfully who are serving around the world.

NSBC's Involvement in Missions

Mission Support

We have discovered the blessings of supporting missionaries through Faith Promise Giving. Mission giving is a vital part of our mission.

Mission Prayer

God has made a way through prayer that we can make a difference. We take very seriously our responsibility to pray for the missionaries we have adopted and sent.

Mission Trips 

There are opportunities throughout the year to be a part of stateside and foreign mission trips. These are part of our mission.

Mission Conference - Visit Page

Missionaries are often guests of ours. It’s always good to hear what God is doing on their mission field. One highlight the year is our World Evangelism Mission Conference. This 4-day conference is the meeting that determines what we will do annually for missions. 

EMS Ministry

The EMS ministry is designed to Encourage our Missionaries in their Service. This ministry seeks to encourage ladies on the mission field by sending monetary support and gifts to them on their birthday and at valentines. The ladies of Northside organize this special ministry.

Missionary Meeting Booking