About Us

Our Purpose

We are a local body of baptized believers who have been brought together by our faith in Jesus Christ for the purpose of evangelizing locally and globally. With the help of the Holy Spirit, we go with the gospel, baptize believers, establish them in the faith through discipleship, and start local independent Baptist churches.

Our Philosophy

Christ, our great example, spoke the truth in love, obeyed God’s Word, and taught us how to reverently worship the Father. The members of NorthSide Baptist Church strive to be like Christ. This is a work that God is continuing in each of us as we learn to die to self, resist the devil, and be obedient unto God.

Meet Our Pastor & Staff

Our Beliefs What do you believe? We believe...

What we believe impacts our purpose and philosophy because beliefs determine behavior. Therefore, we get our beliefs from the Bible. The Bible is our final authority for our faith and practice. Our Bible doctrines are listed below. This is our statement of faith