Monday Evening School of the Bible

What is Monday Evening School of the Bible?

The School of the Bible is a Bible training program that helps believers to expand their understanding of the Bible and to be equipped for ministry in the local church. The school is designed for members and workers in local churches, including deacons, Sunday School teachers, youth and children’s workers, Bible study leaders, and many others who simply desire to deepen their Bible knowledge and increase their effectiveness in serving the Lord.

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Our Goals

Upon completion of the School of the Bible program, students will be able to:

  1. Explain the overall structure of the Bible and the themes of each book
  2. Engage in personal Bible study using proper methods of interpretation
  3. Speak to others about their faith in Christ and show others the way of salvation
  4. Provide biblical answers concerning key subjects of Bible doctrine
  5. Teach others the purpose and mission of the New Testament church
  6. Employ effective methods in teaching the Word of God to others
  7. Follow biblical principles in establishing a Christian home that is honoring to Christ

Our Motto

The School of the Bible follows the biblical pattern given in II Timothy 2:2, which says, “And the things which thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also.” The School of the Bible motto is “able to teach others also.” This theme permeates every course and every lesson. Through prepared materials and instruction, and through personal study of God’s Word, students are equipped to be “able to teach others also.” They are challenged to be filled with the Spirit of God and to be used of the Lord to commit His Word to others.

Course Descriptions

Semester Schedule

Each semester must include a minimum of twelve (12) class sessions, with classes meeting a minimum of forty (40) minutes. A typical School of the Bible will operate one night a week on the following schedule:

7:00 pm - 7:40 pm First class

7:45 pm - 8:25 pm Second class

8:30 pm - 9:10 pm Third class

A five-minute pause between classes provides needed break time for students and teachers. It is the responsibility of the host church to determine the exact schedule for their School of the Bible. The host church will also determine an appropriate meeting location and assign capable teachers for classes.

A typical fall semester will begin at the beginning of September and continue through the first week of December. A typical spring semester will begin in the middle of January and continue through the end of April.

Course Schedule

Student Notebooks

Admissions & Graduation